Microscopy Bact

    - Urine analysis is a general examination performed by the patient for many reasons:
    The doctor may recommend a urine analysis as part of the usual medical examination, check the health status at the time of conception, pre-operation or hospital admission to check for a variety of disorders such as diabetes and diseases. Kidney and liver.
    Urine analysis is a test of urine. Urine analysis is used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease, and diabetes. Urine analysis includes examination of urine appearance, concentration and content. Results of abnormal urine analysis may indicate illness or disease Urine analysis is designed to examine various urinary compounds, which are the most important secretions of the body waste, and produced kidneys. The kidneys are a very vital organ, performing the function of cleaning waste, metals, fluids and other elements in the blood The urine contains many substances that are considered waste, which vary according to the food, liquids, medicines, and other nutrients consumed by humans. For urinary analysis, the urine sample is evaluated in three ways: visual examination, urine test on tape, and microscopy. Through a urine test, the laboratory analyzes the various urine compounds through a simple laboratory chemical test. The following measures are examined: color, serenity, concentration, level of acidity, sugar and albumin levels, presence of cells of the immune system or red blood cells, etc.
    - Stool test (Stool Analysis) :
    There are some situations that require stool analysis: help to identify digestive diseases.
    Evaluation of the work of certain enzymes such as trypsin. Determining the cause of the digestive system such as: diarrhea, vomiting and flatulence.
    Searching for parasites such as pimples.   Fecal examination Collect and analyze stool sample to diagnose a disease condition or its absence. Check the blood hidden in the stool Stool Occlut Blood. Microbiology in Stool Microscopy. Stool Culture
    - pregnancy test (Pregnancy Test) :
    Hormone is known as HCG, a shortened human chorionic gonadotropin, which is excreted from a group of mesenchymal cells.

    - Pregnancy test is divided into two types:

    * Analysis of pregnancy by urine :
    This analysis is available in pharmacies. Prior to this analysis, the instructions attached to the examination must be read carefully. As for the time when the urine should be collected for the analysis, early morning was found to be the most appropriate time, This time, in addition to the need to avoid drinking large amounts of fluids before the collection of urine sample due to its effect on the concentration of the level of hormone (HCG) in the sample.
    * Blood pregnancy examination :
    This analysis is performed at the doctor's office and can not be performed at home. This examination is more accurate and detailed than the urine test. It is also possible to detect the pregnancy earlier than urine analysis. It is worth mentioning that the blood test has two types; The second type is known as quantitative testing. The difference between the two tests is that the qualitative examination reveals the presence of pregnancy without indicating the proportion of pregnancy hormone in the blood, and the quantitative test can be measured the amount and concentration of this hormone in the blood accurately, and compared with the analysis of pregnancy with urine, the analysis of pregnancy blood is considered more expensive and It takes longer to show results.
    - Drug testing(Drugs of Abuse) :
    Take a random urine sample and analyze it in the lab.
    - The analysis is performed to detect the following groups :
    *OPIATES group include heroin \ morphine \ codeine.
    * AMPHETAMINS group of stimulant substances.
    * BARBITURATES sleeping group.
    * BENZODIAZEPIN range soothing substances.
    * CANNABINOID set of hashish, banjo and marigona.
    - Test (Swab C/S):
    The farm means simply that we create the appropriate conditions for the bacteria to grow so that the best antibiotic is chosen. The way of working the farm is by providing an environment for the growth of the microbe inside the laboratory by providing food, temperature, the nature of the medium and the ratios of saturation with oxygen or carbon dioxide, To facilitate microbial growth and then identify it. This is done by the same type of place where bacterial growth is expected to occur, such as when the urine is infected with genital infection, throat and pharynx.
    And to choose the appropriate antibiotic. Choose the strongest antibiotic of the situation and thus avoid giving the patient antibiotics do not affect the bacteria infected and thus reduce the resistance of bacteria and also reduce the side effects that will result if we choose antibiotics at random.
    - Phlegm test (Sputum):
    This test is performed when infection is in the lower respiratory tract. A medical test to detect and identify bacteria or fungi that infect the lung or airways Sputum is a substance made up of saliva and mucus that reaches the mouth as a result of coughing. Its source is from the lungs, trachea, trachea or trachea.
    These secretions may be contaminated by different pathogens, which may be bloody, or may contain different cells that can diagnose various pulmonary diseases and various infectious agents, such as lung infections, tuberculosis, AIDS and lung cancer.

    - Pulmonary tuberculosis test (Acid Fast Bacilli Stain) :
    When you have signs and symptoms of an infection in the lung, such as chronic cough, weight loss, fever, chills, weakness, it may be due to TB or bacterial infection. When you have a skin injury or any other position in your body it may be due to mycobacteria; when you are undergoing treatment for tuberculosis. To assist in the diagnosis of tuberculosis and infections caused by other types of Mycobacterium, which is known as fast-acid bacilli in people at risk of fungal infections; to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.
    For suspected cases of tuberculosis lung infection, three samples Of sputum early in the morning on different days.

    - Spinal cord test(CSF) :
    When infected with the central nervous system.
    An examination is being done to detect meningitis, the inflammation of the membranes around the brain. The sample is drawn between the third and fourth paragraph and the patient is lying on his side and knees in the abdomen and remains in this image for 6-12 hours after pulling the sample is called poke and is withdrawn about 2-3 ml.
    SCI is a pathological analysis of CSF samples taken from the bone marrow by suction or by biopsy of the bone marrow. SCI is used to diagnose many diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma, Anemia, multiple myeloma, meningitis, brain or skull bleeding.
    Cerebrospinal fluid is a colorless, pure body fluid that exists in the brain and spinal cord.
    Produced in the choroid plexus of the brain's lining and absorbed into the macular tubesّ.
    - Sperm test (Semen Analysis) :
    The semen analysis examines the quantity and quality of sperm produced by a man by taking a sperm sample and sending it to the laboratory. This examination is one of the first tests conducted by men to clarify cases of infertility in couples, that is, in couples who find it difficult to carry. The subjects examined in the semen examination are: sample size, latency, counting of sperm cells, how safe their shape, movement, acidity, white blood cell count and level of sugar (fructose) are. Is the study and estimation of some characteristics of the sperm and the number of sperm in it. It works for two reasons, either to check the infertility situation of the husband or to ensure the success of the process of linking with men. A procedure that helps to assess the formation and disorders of sperm, the behavior of transmission routes of the sperm, the presence of inflammation or disorder in the functions of the male reproductive system and to address the cause of lack of fertility and infertility. This examination is carried out at:
    Each applicant is married. Every couple has been married for more than a year without giving birth. Ensure the effectiveness of vasectomy. Be sure to have an infection or infection in the male reproductive system.
    - Fungi Test (Fungal) :
    When you suspect a fungal infection in the skin or lung or systemic; sometimes after the treatment to monitor its effectiveness.
    Examples include: abrasive skin, nail and hair samples, body fluids, blood, and / or tissue biopsy. The type of organism may vary from bacteria or fungus, and the identification of the microbe follows the sensitivity test, which is performed to identify the antibiotic or antifungal to eliminate the microbe.
    Depends on one of the following methods in diagnosing the two methods: Implantation. A microscopic examination of the sample.
    A swab is taken from the infected area and painted on the implant plate and incubated at 37 ° C for several days. The color and shape of the colony growth method can help identify the organism in the affected area. This method is less used than microscopic examination because it is time-consuming and is very sensitive and the sample can be contaminated making it useless in diagnosis.
    *Test the KOH:
    Potassium hydroxide is a quick, inexpensive, fungal test that is used to distinguish skin fungi and white ovarian symptoms from other skin disorders such as psoriasis and dermatitis. Potassium hydroxide testing is a simple procedure used to detect fungi in tissues through the use of potassium hydroxide (KOH), which in turn causes tissue and cell dissolution. The difference in the composition of both tissues and cells on the one hand and fungal walls on the other makes it possible to separate them using this material, where potassium hydroxide destroys the protein in cell walls and leaves the fungi in the tissues where they are diagnosed with optical microscopy.
    - Test the swab of the vagina (High Vagin Swab) :
    The swab of the vagina enters the normal swab in a relatively close place and its vascularity is known if it has infections or vaginal fungi. The most common symptoms are abnormal and vaginal white vaginal secretions that have a foul odor. These odorous secretions cover the walls of the vagina, and are usually non-irritating, painful, or reddening. . The cause of the vaginal infection is the imbalance of the natural bacterial presence in the vagina. The yeast infection and the feces should not be confused, the common infection of the vaginal trichomonas bacteria and the infection of the vaginal bacteria. Detection of fungal infection infection:
    Itching caused redness in the vagina. Viral Infections:
    Virus infection is serious and may affect fetal health in pregnancy, by causing certain diseases, disabilities, or even death.

    AIDS increases your chances of developing uterine cancer.
    -Testing the antibodies of the nucleus (ANA Profile3) :
    The purpose of this study is to assess the extent of antibodies produced by the immune system in the human body against the nuclei of the cells in the body, a study of the severity of the defensive strikes to determine the extent of damage that may be suffered by humans. When suspected of an autoimmune disease such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis or scleroderma. Some disorders of the immune system in terms of identifying the attacking objects, and the enemy of the body, attacking some cells of the body, believed to be hostile objects, by building antibodies to them. The severity of the attack on the immune system of the body is different. This requires a study to measure the severity of these defensive strikes directed at determining the magnitude of the damage to the body, which is then required to detect the extent of the immune attack, the so-called autoimmune diseases that vary in intensity, The body of disease to another, so it was the best means of detection is the work of analysis shows the amount of antibodies produced by the body's immune system, against the nuclei of cells, The human body contains many antibodies that attack any microbe or virus that attacks the body, and antibodies to the nucleus is one of these antibodies, and usually do not exist in the blood of the natural person, and has the ability to link certain parts within the nucleus of the cell, Nucleus in individuals whose immune system attacks some organs, leading to inflammation.
    - Test the proportion of gases in the blood (Arterial Blood Gas) :
    Is a test in which blood pH (PH), partial pressure of oxygen (PO2), and carbon dioxide (PCO2) are examined in arterial blood - the blood that is carried out in the arteries of the body. The objective of the arterial blood gas test is to look at these gases, giving an idea of ​​the ability of the lungs to introduce oxygen to the body and the secretion of carbon dioxide, and the pH of the body. When the blood passes through the lungs, it carries oxygen and gets rid of carbon dioxide. The purpose of the arterial blood gas test is to test the gases before they reach the lungs to the tissues Follow up or evaluate breathing problems such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis and other lung diseases and assess the need for oxygen. · Assessment of the condition of patients requiring artificial respiration. · Diagnosis of acidity and alkalinity problems in the body and causes such as heart failure, lung diseases, kidney disease, diabetes, infections and severe infections..

    - Thyroid gland test(PTH) :
    Parathyroid hormone analysis is a measure of the thyroid hormone level in the thyroid. For dialysis patients, it is a routine blood analysis. This hormone is made up of small thyroid glands located behind the thyroid gland in the neck. The main function of thyroid thyroid gland is to maintain the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood constant and continuous. PTH affects the concentration of calcium in the body, especially in bones and teeth, where the concentration of the hormone increases because of its direct effect on kidney and bone and its indirect effect on the intestinal absorption of calcium. The concentration of phosphorus is reduced due to the direct effect of the hormone on the filtration of the kidney Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism depends on: High blood calcium Reduced phosphorus in the blood High alkaline phosphatase enzyme.

    - Test of acid white blood cells (Total Eosinophil) :
    Acute white blood cell count is an abnormal increase in the level of eosinophils. Acidic white blood cells are a type of white blood cells that fight diseases. This condition usually refers to parasitic infection, allergies, or cancerous injury. Parasitic and fungal diseases. Toxins. Autoimmune disorders. Tumors. Endocrine disorders. skin desies. Allergies include allergies from eating certain foods or medications. Epidemic levels can be high in the blood or tissues of a site that is infected with inflammation or irritation. Hyperbolaemia can be detected in the samples taken during the course of a survey, or in samples of certain fluids, such as mucus produced by nasal tissue. If you experience hyperpigmentation in the tissue, it is likely that the level of the eosinophils in your bloodstream is normal.
    - Test bleeding time (Bleeding Time) :
    This test is used to diagnose and follow the treatment of degenerative diseases as well as a routine procedure prior to surgery. Is the time necessary to stop the bleeding after a small cut by a scalpel This examination is done to determine the efficiency of platelets in terms of quantity and function. The bleeding time is calculated to determine the time needed to stop hemorrhage from subcutaneous capillaries after a standard prick. This test shows the ability of the platelets to adhere to the lining wall of the blood vessel and the formation of clusters that help stop bleeding. This time depends on: blood platelets mainly, the process of constriction of blood capillaries, the ability of the tissue fluid to speed up the clotting process.
    Increased bleeding time in the following diseases: Scurvy, hemorrhagic hemorrhage, anemia, multiple purulent tumor, monounsaturated disease and allergy.
    - Coagulation time test (Cloting Time) :
    To determine the time needed for blood clotting or the formation of the ligament outside the body when drawing blood. This test is used to diagnose and treat the treatment of special hemorrhagic diseases. Diseases that depend on anticoagulants are performed prior to surgery and are used to control anticoagulant therapy Coagulation disorders either lead to increased risk of hemorrhagic bleeding or blockage.
    These tests measure various proteins and how they work.
    Cases that can cause coagulation problems include
    : Liver disease.
    - Test the proportion of albumin in urine (Urine Microalbumin Urea) :
    Is a medical test conducted to detect the presence of proteins in the urine, and the types of albumin or albumin. The albumin analysis or serum albumin test measures the level of albumin protein in the blood, a simple procedure taken by taking a blood sample from the person. The result of the abnormal examination explains the presence of a particular factor or problem that affects the level of this protein in the blood. If symptoms appear on the person may indicate that he has a disease or liver problems, the symptoms may appear in this case the following: sudden weight loss. Fatigue and fatigue. Swelling around the stomach, eyes, or legs. Jaundice, which is yellowing the color of the skin and the area of ​​white eyes. Anorexia. Feelings of abdominal pain. The appearance of urine in dark color, or stool in light color. Itching. Proteins are the building blocks of the body that also perform other vital functions, such as feeding the tissues through the transfer of hormones, vitamins and other nutrients necessary to maintain the proper amount of fluid circulating throughout the body. When the kidneys are healthy, the protein substances naturally do not leak from the kidneys to the urine, but only the waste in the blood is eliminated. But the ability of the kidneys to hold the protein weakens in the event of illness or damage or damage, and then leak some proteins to the urine sending comments Record saved forum.
    - Testing epilepsy drugs:
    This test is required over a regular period of time for the purpose of monitoring the concentration of drugs and to detect a high or low concentration. Epilepsy is an internal neurodegenerative disorder caused by the disruption of electrical signals in brain cells. And the imbalance in the process of electrical brain arises from the formation of what is known as the corner of legitimacy and that are infected, including starting signal and circulate on the whole electrical activity in the brain and the main presentation of all forms of all forms of epilepsy is the loss of consciousness and may be accompanied by various convulsions according to the situation and the most famous is the large epilepsy where Conjunctivitis occurs followed by a generalized tremor of all the muscles of the body and in the second degree, small epilepsy in children usually so that the patient loses consciousness for a short period and recover quickly.
    * Carbamazepine :
    The treatment works to prevent epileptic seizures or seizures in the brain, so it is used to control certain types of seizures or epileptic seizures. It also helps to prevent the formation of neurotransmitters, which is used as a home for neuropathic pain. Two-way bipolar disorder.
    * Valproic acid(Depakene) :
    The treatment helps prevent seizures or seizures in the brain by increasing the availability of a substance called gamma amino-butyric acid, which helps to suppress seizures. It is therefore used to control certain types of epileptic seizures or seizures.
    - Kidney function testing (RFT) :
    RENAL FUNCTION TEST Kidney function analysis is required to determine whether the kidneys function normally. Follow the development of kidney disease, see the effect of some drugs that can cause kidney damage. Check for severe droughts. Drought increases urina levels more than creatinine levels. Which causes the increase of the ratio of urea to creatinine. The analysis of kidney function is divided into analyzes: Dependent on blood: Analysis of urine and creatinine. Depends on urine: urine tests. Analysis based on both: creatinine clearance analysis.
    - Test liver function (LFT) :
    Liver Function Test (LFT) is a set of tests that are carried out to ensure that the liver is healthy and able to perform its function properly. A patient is taken from the patient's blood, analyzed and examined to ensure that the patient is not infected with a disease. Liver such as acute and chronic hepatitis and others. The examination of liver functions depends on the analysis of blood and the presence of certain proteins in it, as there are a number of enzymes, which are made up of proteins responsible for the performance of certain functions in the liver, and if any defect in the liver, these proteins are released in the blood.
    - Liver performance and function are evaluated based on 3 major tests:
    * Examination of the capacity of the liver manufacturing: It depends on three things to examine the total protein and the examination of albumin protein and the examination of protein globulin.
    * Check liver enzymes: This test is used to determine the health and safety of liver cells as these enzymes are excreted from liver cells.
    * Examination of liver extract capacity: basal phosphatase and bilirubin.
    - Test thyroid antibodies (Anti Throid Antibody) :
    In this test the presence of antibodies to small thyroid particles in the blood is checked. This antibody is present in the blood in many diseases characterized by thyroid disorders. These antibodies are created as a reaction to the flow of microstomes (from inside the cells) from damaged cells of the thyroid gland. These antibodies appear especially in autoimmune diseases that cause thyroid damage, but can also be seen in autoimmune diseases that infect other tissues in the body. When you develop autoimmune disorders, your immune system has antibodies that mistakenly attack normal tissues. Antibodies that attack the thyroid gland cause inflammation and hypothyroidism. If your thyroid performs normally as there are antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (TPO), your doctor may advise you to undergo periodic checkups to monitor any future thyroid problems.
    - Test the percentage of salts in the blood (Serum Electrolyte) :
    The electrolyte examination includes sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate. These ions are measured to evaluate the functions of the kidneys, the endocrine (glandular), the determination of acids and bases, and the elements of both kidney functions and metabolic biochemical values. There are some important electrolytes that are routinely measured in serum or plasma and include calcium and phosphorus and these are measured together because both of them have been affected by bone and thyroid disease. Magnesium is another electrolyte that is routinely measured. Such as calcium, will cause uncontrolled muscle contractions at very low levels of extracellular fluid. Electrolytes can be classified in several different ways. Electrolytes are molecules found throughout blood, tissues, and cells in the body. These molecules, which are either positive (cations) or negative (anions), connect the current and help to balance pH and acid base levels in the body. Electrolytes also facilitate the passage of fluids within cells and through a process known as leaching and play a role in regulating the function of endocrine, nervous and muscular, and output systems.
    - Test the dryness of the urine (Urine Acetone) :
    Detection of acetone in the urine in the case of pregnant woman who has diabetes, as well as when the temperature of the body of the patient. Quret adds that acetone is also detected in the urine if the level of high blood sugar in the blood increases to a high degree. Causes:
    Long-term hunger and diabetes. The disease is usually diagnosed by: Blood in the urine, a condition known as hypertonemia Exposure to episodes of hypoglycemia in the body. Acetone is the chemical caused by the body's consumption of fat instead of sugars in power generation. This occurs only if the insulin secretion is very little and the compensation of the insulin is insufficient, especially when the body needs insulin.
    - Test the proportion of lithium in the blood (Lithium) :
    This test is required over a regular period of time for the purpose of monitoring the concentration of drugs and to detect a high or low concentration. Lithium should not be found in the blood if the person does not take it as a medicine. The lithium component enters into the structure of the medication that is treated for depression because of its antitumor action. As this ingredient has a toxic effect on the kidneys and weakens thyroid function. The laboratory test, which detects the concentration of lithium salt recommended to verify that the concentration of lithium within the therapeutic rate and the effectiveness of treatment and detect the effect of drugs used by the patient on the concentration of lithium is also recommended in the first few days to start lithium treatment in order to determine the appropriate treatment dose for the patient and doctors resort to This test is to diagnose the toxicity caused by lithium overdose. The blood sample is withdrawn after 8-12 hours at the last dose due to the effect of its concentration relative to the timing of the dose. . This drug has a high toxicity, that is, a very low level of the drug may lead to the loss of its therapeutic effect, and a very high level can lead to toxic symptoms, and the area between the therapeutic level of the level that may lead to small poisoning. Known symptoms of lithium poisoning include tremor, nausea, confusion, vomiting, muscle spasm and kidney function disorders.
    - Blood pressure test (Blood Pressure) :
    A doctor may request separate appointments to repeat blood pressure tests to check for persistent health conditions, high blood pressure, low blood pressure, heart disease or other conditions. There are additional risk factors for heart disease, such as weight gain or having a family history of high blood pressure or heart disease. Blood pressure test function is the measurement of blood pressure in the arteries. The blood will also be at a certain pressure within the arteries. This pressure is not constant, but variable that fluctuates between two values: the high pressure called the depressive and the low pressure called the diastolic. The blood pressure measurement unit is millimeters of mercury (mmHg).
    - Genetic testing(DNA Test) :
    Deoxyribonucleic acid is a method of analysis in molecular biology that deals with DNA analysis, in order to identify the genetic makeup of people. Genetic screening methods are also used in genetics studies and the development of animal and plant kingdoms. Research is also conducted to analyze the development of the eye through the genetic analysis of various organisms. Criminal examination
    - Identification of kinship
    - Issuing a report on the parenting of a child.
    - Medical diagnosis leads to illness through genetics
    - Blood analysis
    - Inspection in the food industry.